Board and Governance

Scots School Albury follows the motto Fide et Literis (faith and learning). Instilled with Christian values and aligned with broader Uniting Church goals, our diverse community enhances the richness of school life.

The Scots School Albury operates under the auspices of the Uniting Church of Victoria and Tasmania. The Church sets out guidelines for members of School Boards.

The Board

The Board is responsible for setting corporate objectives and initiating and monitoring the activities which lead to those objectives being achieved. It also oversees the financial performance and status of the School. It monitors the performance of the Principal who is appointed by the Board.

Board members are not representatives of any group or interest. However, at present, our Constitution does require that a number of the Board are members in association with the Uniting Church in Australia. Appointments are made for an initial term of three years and are renewable.

The Board works closely with the Principal and the Head of Business Operations, meeting on a monthly basis. The range of responsibilities is broad and includes the appointment of the Principal, strategic planning and oversight of property and finances. The Board is concerned with the long-term success and viability of the School. 

The Board’s role is to ensure that the School achieves its Mission, goals and objectives and in doing so meets the legal and moral responsibilities and requirements of governance of the School.

Members of the Board

Dr Emma Scholz: Chair of the Board • PhD BVSc, SFHEA, GAICD
Mr Ronan Magaharan: Deputy Chair • B. Engineering (Electrical Engineering)/Science (Computer Science) University of Melbourne
Mr Philip Telfer: Chair of Finance and Audit Committee • B.Com
Mr Michael Butko: Chair of Buildings, Environment and Infrastructure Committee • Masters of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, B.Eng
Ms Nicole Heinecke • B.Com (Fin/Mgmt), LLB, LLM (USyd)
Ms Amy Schultz • BA Media & Communications (Swinburne University)
Mr Tom Barry • B Sc (Uni Melb), B Ost Sc/ B App Sc (RMIT)

The School is committed to consolidating our strengths, to preserve and embrace what is authentic and unique to Scots, while actively pursuing a course which keeps Scots at the forefront of educational thinking, innovation and practice.