Boarding • Technology


Students are to bring their own Laptops in line with the Scots Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy. It is to be used primarily to support learning, checking emails and some recreational use. Students must complete a school Digital Citizenship and Acceptable Usage Agreement each year. A detailed copy of the policy can be found on the school website. (Students will take the lead in having the agreement signed by parents after they have been briefed.) Technology (including mobile phones, iPods, iPads, and smart watches) not used in a sensible manner or at inappropriate times may be confiscated by boarding staff.

Mobile Phones

Mobile Phones are permitted if they are used in a considerate way. Boarders must agree to the following conditions of use: 

  • Boarders must register their phone with the Boarding House staff. This enables us to know who has ownership of a phone and what the contact number is.
  • Year 7 - 9 Boarders will not be permitted to take their phones to school without express permission from the Director of Boarding
  • Students in Years 7 - 10 will be expected to hand in their mobile phone at bedtimes.  
  • It must have the tone turned to a low level.  
  • It must be secured when not in use.  
  • The camera use must not contravene privacy rules.
  • All internet access while on campus must be through the school Wi-Fi network in line with the Digital Citizenship and Acceptable Usage Policy.
  • Mobile phones are not to be taken to dinner.
  • Mobile phones are not to be taken to prep.
  • Use of the phone may be withdrawn if the above conditions are violated.